Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Stupid Cleaning

I lost my Christmas gift cards, I know they are somewhere but where? What place would I think of as a safe place to put gift cards?!? We were going to use one tonight and get free TGIFriday's food but then we couldn't find them and we went to the Chicken Basket instead and had to pay cash money. The good news is that on wednesday nights a group of old men (and one lady) play old tunes from the 20's and 30's and it was very enjoyable to listen to. Even though at one point John and I were the only ones there. Let's all go sometime, those old men were peppy and fun, Jinnie I bet you could sing along with some of those songs. Anyways, if anyone knows where I hid my gift cards please let me know, I will buy you a free drink from Outback Steakhouse or TGIfridays.


Nick said...

The safest place to put gift cards is in my wallet. You know I never use them. I still haven't gone to the Chicken Basket. Good luck on your gift card search.

Lychee said...

I love old men!