Friday, January 18, 2008

Highway to the Danger Zone

So John and I saw Sweeney Todd yesterday. And that Johnny Depp can really hold a tune. Is it possible that he could be any greater? Although if you don't like musicals, don't go see it because most of it is singing. Oh yeah and I guess there's quite a bit of blood, I mean a lot of blood. But I really enjoyed it and Johnny's angelique voice.... anyway, after we left John and I almost died which is ironique because of the movie we had just left. We were on Rt. 83 and we spun around completely face on with oncoming traffic. It was terrifying and I'm very happy that my corolla has a magical forcefield, which is different then carrie's invisiblity forcefield on her old corolla, ask her about it sometime. Anyway we lived. I hope everyone has a super weekend.


Jinnie said...

Holy moly! I love you sister! I love you forcefield! I love you John (and Johnny D too!)

Nick said...

Well I'm glad you're safe and that the movie was good. I want to go see it. Who will go to the movies with me? See you Sunday for a day of trees!

Alex said...

That sounds terrifying! Yay for the forcefield too!

Lychee said...

I think Johnny Depp could be greater if he was laying next to me naked in bed...