Thursday, January 31, 2008

Indy, here we come!!

The largest building and public monument in the city.

Rock on 'Crossroads of America'... rock on.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I made it!

Sorry this picture is a little blurry. It looked clearer to my Vicodin eyes...I wonder what it looks like under the bandage? See you all soon!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Good thing I took the class!

Looks like my studies in newborn resuscitation paid off! I assisted at a C-Section yesterday and the baby needed resuscitation. So this time, without a bitchy nurse literally pushing me out of the way, I was able to a vital part of the resuscitation team! It was crazy. The couple times I've seen it happen, it is just so fast and panicky. But yesterday the nurse and doctor were so calm, and that made me calm. I was the one timing the heart rate (46 beats per minute! Normal is 120). Meanwhile the nurse administered oxygen and the doctor suctioned and intubated him. After baby was doing better, the nurse prepared him for transport to the NICU and I got to administer oxygen. I was doing the actual "bagging" and pumping the oxygen in. I was amazingly calm, like nothing else was going on in the room. And this time, time moved so slowly. It's amazing what a little organization and calm-ness can do for a tricky situation. I'm still really pumped about it, but trying to remain "cool". I'd really like to jump around the streets screaming "I helped save a baby!"

P.S. This means everyone can now feel relief that if you go into cardiac arrest in my presence, you might not kick the bucket!


Where are you? What is your email address? Why don't you respond to my emails?! Keep in touch!

Here goes nothing!

Only a few hours away...Let's hope I'll be able to hold on to an iguana again someday! The more I look at it this is kind of a crazy picture of me...Anyway, I'll talk to you all post op!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hello from Iowa!

I'm in Burlington Iowa with friends from Minnesota and California shooting the Bald Eagles here. They migrate from the North because the lakes and rivers freeze there and they have nothing to eat. Today we saw at least 500 different Eagles. The weather is nice and the guys are hilarious. I've gotten a couple shots I like so far but we'll see how they look on my computer at home. Here's one from today. See you all soon, well not too soon because I'm going to Florida next weekend.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Oh my, my, Maynard!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trust me, you'll save a lot of time and money if you don't enroll here

I know I would've.

Is this for real?

Edie emailed me these photos today. Allegedly this puppy was born in Japan. It is darn cute but is it for real? In other news I still want another dog...


So, I talked to the doctors office today. They agreed to locally numb my hand and to 'twilight' me rather that knock me out completly. But, I still can't eat or drink anything after midnight the night before in case they run into a problem and have to put me under. So, I will be 'twilighted' on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll still be able to cross mine when I wake up!

Happy Birthday Edie and Sue!

I should have posted this yesterday but I never got around to it! Sorry I am late!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

BioChemistry - What?

Thank You!

Josie, the flowers are beautiful. A gerber daisy, lilies, red roses, sunflowers.... Wow. You did an amazing job.
And, Brent, well I won't be all mushy and sappy here, but you know how I feel about you. :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

unsuspecting intuition

What the hell? I can't believe we planned a specific Brokeback Mountain movie viewing just two days ago. Maybe we knew in our hearts that this would happen.

Canada Is Evil

So I'm working in Toronto this week. I swear this town hates me. Nothing ever goes right with work and the Canadians do not like us Americans. I've been up since 8pm yesterday working and am very cranky. Damn you Canada!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Hello. I have an ear infection.

Blood Donation

Josie and I gave blood on Saturday. We enjoy doing it and I thought it would be good Karma in case I need a transfusion during surgery next week...Ha! Plus, we got free movie passes. Next time I hope to see all of you out there with us!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Highway to the Danger Zone

So John and I saw Sweeney Todd yesterday. And that Johnny Depp can really hold a tune. Is it possible that he could be any greater? Although if you don't like musicals, don't go see it because most of it is singing. Oh yeah and I guess there's quite a bit of blood, I mean a lot of blood. But I really enjoyed it and Johnny's angelique voice.... anyway, after we left John and I almost died which is ironique because of the movie we had just left. We were on Rt. 83 and we spun around completely face on with oncoming traffic. It was terrifying and I'm very happy that my corolla has a magical forcefield, which is different then carrie's invisiblity forcefield on her old corolla, ask her about it sometime. Anyway we lived. I hope everyone has a super weekend.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well, I went to the hand specialist today and it looks like there is a chance I need surgery. If so it will happen in the next two weeks. The Dr. said that there is a good chance that there is a 'foreign body' in my palm. The only way to extract it is to knock me out and and make a zig zag cut in the palm of my hand. Two weeks of stiches following surgery, no waiting tables, This is so stupid! Me and Uncle Bob will recuperate together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Action shot

This goes out to Sonja...

Yo Brent

I think you should post blogs to keep us up to date on your travels...How is the Motor City anyway? Have any homeless men exposed themselves to you yet?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Brokeback Sunday?

Sunday night movie?

Franchise Opportunities?

Ok all of you aspiring entrepreneurs...John and I were watching this show on interesting start up businesses that became super successful and they had this company on it 1-800-gotjunk they have franchise opportunities and they recycle and donate over 60 percent of what they pick up. Only $90,000 total start up capital needed which isn't bad for a start up business. So who's up for hauling junk?

Riverside Restaurant

Yum...fruit dumplings....ahhh...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Friday

I just thought we could all use a little Konrad this Friday morning.
(If you don't see anything you need to install Adobe Flash.)

Now I need to go to sleep.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Saga continues...

Well, I went to the doctor and she sent me to get xrays. I got the xrays but they don't show anything possibly because the splinter is a piece of wood that might not show up on an xray anyway. So, now I have to make an appointment with a hand specialist! Stay tuned...

Splinter Removal

Well, I am headed to the doctor this afternoon to see if she thinks I have a splinter in my hand. It has been 8 days since I was 'splintered' and it still hurts like heck and is starting to swell slightly. The last 2 digits on my left hand are feeling somewhat tight. So, wish me luck. I will let you know what happens....

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Stupid Cleaning

I lost my Christmas gift cards, I know they are somewhere but where? What place would I think of as a safe place to put gift cards?!? We were going to use one tonight and get free TGIFriday's food but then we couldn't find them and we went to the Chicken Basket instead and had to pay cash money. The good news is that on wednesday nights a group of old men (and one lady) play old tunes from the 20's and 30's and it was very enjoyable to listen to. Even though at one point John and I were the only ones there. Let's all go sometime, those old men were peppy and fun, Jinnie I bet you could sing along with some of those songs. Anyways, if anyone knows where I hid my gift cards please let me know, I will buy you a free drink from Outback Steakhouse or TGIfridays.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Get Ready Kids!

Paczi Day is quickly approaching! This year it is on February 5th because Easter is so early. Weber Bakery here we come!

Friday, January 4, 2008


So how does everyone feel about a Valentine's Cocktail Party. Perhaps the weekend after VDay? Would the coupled folk come and would the single folk come willing?

NYE Photos

Hey everyone,
Thanks for inviting me to 'participate' in the blog. I feel so honored! (Seriously... no sarcasm there.) I had such a wonderful time in Knoxville and often catch myself daydreaming about all the fun we had there. Thanks again for letting me come along.
Anyway, here are some photos too... Certainly not on par with John or Nick's photographic genius, but close enough. Let me know if you want me to send more.
Happy Friday!
P.S. Any suggestions for a catchy blogger name? 'Alex' is a bit boring really...


Isn't it a bit ironic that I love germs (or am at least fascinated by them) and bacteria continues to show up in my dog's urine? Very annoying!!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


My mom just emailed me this photo. Pretty cute isn't it? That is my Aunt Rita dressed as a bride if you didn't know. 30 years ago...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


This is the picture you missed when you were sleeping...
cant wait to see some that you took!

If I can't brag sometimes...

Merry Christmas to me!!
It's coming on Saturday!

Fantastic New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an amazing time!!!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!!