Sunday, August 26, 2007

Say a Prayer.

Tomorow Fritz goes in for an exploratory surgery. She had x rays and ultra sound done and they couldn't find anything like a tumor but they could see that there is fluid in her stomach. the fluid that they pulled out did not have cancer cells acording to the doctor but he stressed that he is not a cytologist. Her stomach is obviously bloated. She is "with it". She is happy and can walk around a little. Its a hard decission. I dont know that we are making the right one to do the surgery. Its a good possibly that it could be a hematoma. That would be a good thing. If its cancer and they cant take it out, well that could be it. I think i would rather know exactly. To know that we couldnt do anything else. Dave or i will let you know tomorow what happens.


Nick said...

Good luck Fritz! Chicago's thinking of you.

Josie said...

Good Luck Fritzy We Love you!

Lychee said...

Lucky and Dakota send their love...