Saturday, March 8, 2008

greetings from R-town (rockford)

i have no pictures to post dave should post his grape vine project he is doing at ut.. anyway wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone! Alex i heard you guys had a great time at La Pinta wish i could have been there. did i hear stananimal might have danced? nice.
Happy b day to Mrs. Jinnie!!! i dont think i heard what you did for your b day? i hope you had a good time.
And Mr. P. happy fucking birthday. i found a driving range next time you get out this way. only 5 bucks. im actually early with you and i am never early.
On another note i was talking to ty (the bartender at Sapphire that looks like jonny) he mentioned that to make an outstanding Bloody mary is to put a little Guiness in it. clever. might have to try her out.
We had a new english pub open this weekend in k-town in the old city. i went after work with Carmen (a girl i work with at sapphire). Its kindof nice. to bright. but they had a really nice outside beer garden that will be hoppin in the summer. They had heat lamps on last night and i underdressed (no coat) so i was making out with it and cranked it to high when nobody was looking. it was so cold and burning the top of my head. come to think of it the top of my head still hurts a little.
tiss snowing right now. i think this is our 2nd real snow of the season.
now this is interesting.. opa called. he had been trying to get me all week.. but i talked to him on thuresday because he wanted to say sorry but sue had not called me even though he had repeadtly told her to. i guess she is in town this weekend at Arrowmount. its an art school in gatlinberg that she teaches at sometimes. my mom went to it a couple of times as well. just thought it was interesting. so i told opa i know where the art school is and maybe i will surprise her.. probably not though unless i decide to go snowboarding tomorow....
my rambling and bad spelling will end now.. cheers to all i think about you guys all the time. i miss you


Josie said...

Hi Sonja. You should totally surprise her that would be funny. Maybe you'd get a free lunch out of it. I just got home from making corsages for another Naperville School dance....sweet jesus....

Lychee said...

I miss you too Sonja! You need to come dancing at La Pinta with me! I danced with Ralphy last night and it was awkward as hell because he basically comes up to my boobs. Give my love to aunt Sue! Sorry your head is burned! Talk to you soon!