Monday, February 18, 2008

Birthday Festivities!

Hello everyone. I hope you had a nice start to the week.

I'd like to celebrate my birthday this Saturday night. Are you all available? I was thinking somewhere local, possibly LaGrange, but haven't picked a particular place yet. Around 9 or 10pm?

I know I'm still a young'n but I thought we could have some drinks to celebrate me turning the big 2-4. I hope that works for everyone. It's too bad that Sonja and Dave can't make it!

Let me know........


Josie said...

I'm down!

Lychee said...

I can come after work. Let me know where you all will be...

Jinnie said...

I can't come because I'm hosting a bachelorette party (eek!) But have tons of fun. I'm gonna be 2-4 in 2 weeks myself!

Nick said...

I'll be there if you'll have me.

Alex said...

Of course! I want everyone to come.

I was thinking La Pinta at around 9pm.